Appointment confirmation texts can help you reduce your no-show rate. Text messages have a high open-rate of 98 percent, so your customers are more likely to read a text than an email or pick up a phone call. Texts also have a higher response rate than email and phone at 45 percent. That increases your chances of a response to an appointment confirmation text.
A stream of no-shows can negatively affect your revenue. If someone doesn’t make an appointment, you lose money on the time and resources lost. Often, the reason people miss appointments is due to forgetfulness. A simple text appointment reminder can minimize the number of no-show appointments.
30 templates of an appointment confirmation text by industry
Healthcare, beauty, and wellness
Hi, [First and Last Name]. You have a [Dental Service] scheduled with [Dentist] on [Date] at [Time]. Please call our office at [Number] to make any changes.
- PCP appointment confirmation
Good afternoon, this is [Receptionist] with [Hospital or Clinic]. [First and Last Name] is scheduled for an appointment with [Doctor] for a [Reason for Visit] on [Date] at [Time].
- Vet appointment confirmation
Hi, [First Name]! [Pet Name] is confirmed for an appointment with [Veterinarian] on [Date] at [Time].
- Laser hair removal appointment confirmation
Get ready! You are scheduled for a [Body Part] laser hair removal appointment on [Date] at [Time]. See you soon.
- Hair salon appointment confirmation
Good morning, [First and Last Name]. This is [Receptionist] with [Hair Salon]. I have you scheduled for a [Service] with [Stylist] on [Date] at [Time]. Is there anything else I can help you with?
- Personal trainer appointment confirmation
Hey, [First Name]! I have you scheduled for a [Workout] at [Location] on [Date] at [Time] for [Length]. Let me know if you have any questions. Best - [Personal Trainer].
Home services
- Pest control appointment confirmation
This is [Company]. We will be performing your pest service on [Date] at [Time]. Please make sure your gate is unlocked and any pets are secure. Call or text [Number] to reschedule.
- Solar panel consultation appointment confirmation
[First Name], you are scheduled for a solar panel consultation with [Employee] on [Date] at [Time]. You can call or text this number with any questions.
- Lawn mowing service appointment confirmation
Hello, [First Name]. [Company] will be mowing your lawn on [Date] at [Time]. Call or text [Number] to reschedule your appointment.
Financial services
- Financial aid appointment confirmation
Good morning, [First Name]. You’re scheduled for a financial aid consultation with [Bank] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply YES to confirm your appointment, or call/text us to reschedule.
- Home loan appointment confirmation
Good morning, [First Name]. You have a home loan consultation scheduled with [Consultant] on [Date] at [Time]. Please call/text us at [Number] to reschedule your appointment.
- Retirement planning appointment confirmation
Good morning, [First Name]. You have a retirement planning consultation scheduled with [Consultant] on [Date] at [Time]. Please call/text us at [Number] to reschedule your appointment.
- General bank advisor appointment confirmation
Good morning, [First Name]. You’re scheduled for a consultation with [Advisor] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply YES to confirm your appointment, or call/text us to reschedule.
Higher education
- Student advisor appointment confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. You have an advising visit with [Advisor] on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. Lateness of more than 10 minutes will result in an automatic cancellation of your appointment.
- Tutoring appointment confirmation
[First Name] is scheduled for a tutoring appointment with [Tutor] for [Subject] on [Date] at [Time] for [Duration]. Please bring all relevant course materials and a laptop or tablet.
- Study room reservation appointment confirmation
Study room [Number] in [Building] is reserved for [First and Last Name] for [Duration]. Please keep the facilities clean and adhere to the reservation rules posted on the board.
Real estate
- Apartment viewing appointment confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. This is [Employee]. We have you scheduled to view [Unit] on [Date] at [Time]. Feel free to call or text this number if you have any questions. Thanks!
- Open house appointment confirmation
Hello, [First Name]. This is [Real Estate Agent] with [Company]. Are we still on to view houses on [Date] at [Time]?
- Property repair appointment confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. Our maintenance person will be coming by to repair your [Object] on [Date] at [Time]. Can you confirm that you’ll be home?
- In-store event confirmation
Hey, [First Name]! We have you RSVP’d for our [In-Store Event] at [Location] on [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to seeing you.
- Dress fitting appointment confirmation
[First Name] is scheduled with a dress fitting with [Company] on [Date] at [Time]. Please call or text us to reschedule. Thank you!
- Furniture delivery appointment confirmation
Your [Company] furniture appointment is soon! You can track your delivery in real-time at [Link]. Reply STOP to stop messages.
- White glove service shopping appointment confirmation
Good afternoon, [First Name]. You are RSVP’d to attend [Company]’s early access sale on [Date] at [Time]. Please bring a form of identification to attend the appointment.
- Tech support appointment confirmation
[First Name] has an appointment with [Company] tech support in-store at [Location] on [Date] and [Time].
Recruiting and talent acquisition
- In-person job interview confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. It’s [Recruiter] with [Company]. You have an interview scheduled with [Employee] on [Date] at [Time]. I’ll text you parking details the day of. Let me know if you have any questions.
- Phone call interview confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. This is [Recruiter] from [Company]. You’re scheduled for a phone interview with [Employee] on [Date] at [Time]. You’ll receive a call from our office. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Video call interview confirmation
Hi, [First Name]! It’s [Recruiter] from [Company]. You are scheduled to meet with [Employee] on [Date] at [Time] for [Position]. I sent you a meeting invitation in your email. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Test drive appointment confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. It’s [Salesperson] from [Dealership]. You’re scheduled for a test drive today at [Time]. I look forward to seeing you!
- Service appointment confirmation
[First Name] is scheduled for a [Service] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply YES to confirm, or call/text this number to reschedule or cancel.
- Trade-in evaluation
Hi, [First Name]. We have you scheduled for a trade-in evaluation on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm if that time works for you.
8 samples of reminder texts similar to appointment confirmations
1. Appointment reminder
Hi, [First Name]. This is a reminder that you have an appointment scheduled with [Company] on [Date] at [Time] for [Service]. Please reply YES to confirm, or call/text us to reschedule.
2. Appointment cancellation confirmation
Your appointment with [Company] on [Date] at [Time] for [Service] was canceled. Please call/text us to reschedule.
3. Appointment reschedule confirmation
Hi, [First Name]. Your appointment with [Company] for [Service] was updated to [Date] at [Time].
4. Order pickup reminder
It’s ready! Your order [Order #] from [Company] at [Location] is ready for pickup. Please bring a valid photo ID with you.
5. Payment reminder
This is a payment reminder for [First Name]. You have an outstanding balance with [Company] for [$ Amount] due on [Date]. You can pay your balance here: [Link].
6. Missing documents reminder
Hi, [First Name]. We are missing some documents from you to finish your [Service or Request]. You can find and update missing information here: [Link]. Please call/text us with any questions. Thanks!
7. Event reminder
[First Name], you are RSVP’d to attend our event [Event Title] on [Date] at [Time]. We will text you with updates and a link 30 minutes before the event.
8. Cancellation policy reminder
Hi, [First Name]. You have an appointment scheduled with [Company] on [Date] and [Time]. Please note, any cancellation within 24 hours of the appointment will result in a $25 charge on top of the missed service amount. Please call or text us at [Number] to speak with a receptionist.
7 best practices for writing an appointment confirmation text
1. Collect an opt-in
Before you can text someone, you need to collect an opt-in. An opt-in gives you consent to text a number, and it is required by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA. Unlike phone calls or emails, cold texting is illegal. Failure to obtain an opt-in can result in fines from the TCPA starting at $500.
There are various ways to collect a text opt-in. Like the example below, you can send someone an initial text message asking them to confirm an opt-in.
Hi, there - please reply YES to sign-up for updates from Dr. Wallace’s office.

Or, you can gather an opt-in when speaking with a person over the phone or in person.
2. Use the recipient's first name
Business texting is a more intimate form of communication than phone or email. Like how you text with friends or family, you should address your recipient by their first name. Using a first name helps you establish a relationship with customers.
3. Introduce yourself to the recipient
It can be easy to forget to introduce yourself or your business when sending a reminder text. Just because a customer has consented to receive messages from your business doesn’t mean that they have your number saved in their address book. You should include your business name in every automated text you send a consumer.
4. Include the appointment date and time
When sending an appointment confirmation or reminder text, be sure to include the date and time of the appointment. That way, someone can open their phone and double-check their appointment time.
5. Add your cancellation policy
If you have a cancellation policy in place, state it in your appointment confirmation texts. You want to be transparent with your cancellation policy, especially if a missed appointment can cost money.
A cancellation policy can help deter people from canceling at the last minute. Most cancellation policies go into effect 24 hours before an appointment, but you can decide what works best based on your industry and personal business needs.
6. Let people know they can text you back
Business texting is becoming a common form of communication for customers, but many customers don’t know that they can text back a business. It’s a good idea to remind customers that they can text you back at the number you texted from. Or, if you prefer to have them call in, tell them what number to call.
Texting is a two-way form of communication, and it can be easier for staff to manage multiple text conversations at the same time then a phone call or email. That’s because texting is quick, and doesn’t require receptionists to wait around for a reply.
7. Provide alternative forms of communication
While texting is a great communication tool, it’s good to include alternative forms of communication in your reminder texts. If you want to use texting to confirm appointments, you can ask customers or patients to call or email to cancel or reschedule appointments.
In most cases, it’s a good idea to make your business texting number and phone number the same. Or, you can transfer calls from your business texting number to your phone number if they’re different.
The bottom line
Whether you use our text examples or write your own, keep in mind that appointment reminders don’t guarantee a no-show won’t happen. But, it does give you a much better chance of preventing them.