HIPAA-compliant texting is changing communication for healthcare providers. Texts boast high open and response rates, which ensures patients see and reply to important messages from their healthcare team. Secure SMS platforms let healthcare providers take advantage of the ease and convenience of texting without breaching HIPAA.
There are many ways to use texting in healthcare. In this article, we provide 71 ready-to-use SMS templates for healthcare professionals, grouped by the most common use cases. Copy-paste and tweak them to converse with patients or staff quickly.
Jump straight to text templates for:
- Appointment reminders and confirmations
- Medication and treatment reminders
- Post-appointment follow-ups
- Preventive care and health screenings
- Billing and payment reminders
- Patient feedback and reviews
- Digitize front-office tasks
- Education and health tips
- Staff communication
- Promote events or new services
<h2 id="Appointment">Appointment reminders and confirmations</h2>
Patient no-shows plague even the best-run medical practices. Missed appointments cause patient care gaps, scheduling hiccups, and lost revenue. However, appointment text reminders are an effective way to reduce no-show rates. Use one of these templates to remind or confirm appointments with patients.
Appointment reminders
Hi [name]. This is a friendly reminder that your appointment with [doctor name] is [date] at [time].
Hi [name]. Your appointment at [medical facility name] is at [date] and [time]. Please arrive [X minutes] early.
Hello. Your appointment at [facility name] is approaching. Please complete the pre-visit questionnaire in your portal. [Link]
Appointment confirmations
Hello [name]. This message is from [facility name]. Please confirm your appointment with [doctor name] on [date] at [time] by replying C.
Hi [name]. Please confirm your upcoming appointment with [doctor name] at [date] and [time]. Reply Y if you can make it and N if you need to reschedule.
Hi [name]. Thanks for scheduling an appointment with [physician name] on [date] at [time]. We look forward to discussing your care.
Fill open appointments
Hello. This is [name] from [medical facility]. We have some appointment openings this week. Any interest in coming in sooner? Just reply and I’ll send you the dates.
Hi [name]. This is [name] from [facility.] We had a last-minute cancellation. Do you have any interest in coming in [date] at [time]?
Hi there. This message is from [facility name]. There’s a new patient opening on [date] at [time]. If you’re interested please let me know.
Reschedule appointment
Hi [name]. Unfortunately, [doctor name] needs to reschedule your appointment at [time] tomorrow. Are you available instead at [date] and [time]?
Hi [name]. Sorry for the inconvenience, but [doctor name] needs to reschedule your appointment this week. Are you available next week on [day] or [day]?
Hi [name]. [Doctor name] needs to reschedule your appointment due to [reason]. Can you come in on [date] at [time]?

<h2 id="Medication">Medication and treatment reminders</h2>
Patients must adhere to their medication and treatment plans to improve health outcomes. However, it can be tricky to ensure patients follow them when they’re at home. Text message reminders can help providers and pharmacists improve adherence.
Refill reminders
Hi [name]. Your prescription is due for a refill. Head to your patient portal or reply here to request a refill.
Hi [name]. Would you like to enroll in our automatic refill program? Reply Y to subscribe.
Medication ready
Hi [name]. Your prescription is ready for pick up at [location]. Text STOP to opt out.
[Pharmacy name]: [Name,] [RX number X] is ready for pick up. Amount due at pickup [$].

<h2 id="Post">Post-appointment follow-ups</h2>
Following up with your patients after an appointment or procedure can go a long way toward improving patient satisfaction. While you can follow up in several ways, including patient portals or phone calls, a text message is very effective. That’s because texts can be scheduled in advance and are more easily scalable than a phone call.
Let’s look at a few SMS templates for post-appointment follow-ups.
Follow up after procedure
Hi [name]. This is [name] from [facility name]. I wanted to see how you’re feeling post discharge. Reply or call us at [phone number.]
Hello, [name], this is [facility name]. We wanted to check in with you after your appointment. Please call [phone number] with any concerns or questions.
Hi [name]. It’s been [duration] since your procedure. How are you feeling? Please let us know if you have any concerns.
Post-care instructions
Hello. This is [name] from [facility]. This is a reminder to please avoid [X] for the next [duration].
Hi [name]. This is [name] from [facility]. You’ll find detailed post-care instructions on the printed form we shared and in your portal. Please follow them.
Schedule a follow-up appointment
Hi [name]. This is a reminder to schedule your follow-up appointment for next week.
Hi [name]. This is [staff name] from [facility name]. I’m reaching out to see if you can come in on [date] and [time] for your follow-up.
Alert to new test result
Hi [name]. You have a new test result. Please head to your patient portal to view the details.
Hi [name]. Your test results are in. You can call us at [phone number] or head to your portal to view the details.

<h2 id="Preventive">Preventive care and health screenings</h2>
Often, patients don’t remember when it's time for their annual checkups or preventive health screenings. Use a text message to encourage them to make an appointment for a preventive service.
Health screening reminders
Hi [name]. It shows you’re due for your [type of screening]. Please reply to this text or call us at [phone number] to schedule it.
Hey [name]. It’s important for everyone over the age of [X] to get screened for [disease]. Please call us to schedule an appointment today.
Appointment scheduling reminders
Our records show you’re due for your annual [appointment type]. Reply to this text or call us at [phone number] to schedule it.
Hi [name]. It looks like you’re due for your annual check-up. Book your appointment online today: [link]
Preventive care reminders
Hi [name]. Talk to your family about their health history. Knowing these factors can help you take steps to prevent certain conditions.
Hey [name]. It’s flu season. Get your flu shot today at any local [medical practice] facility.
[Facility name]: Hi [name]. We’ve detected increased flu activity in our county. Reply to schedule your flu shot today.

<h2 id="Billing">Billing and payment reminders</h2>
With many stakeholders and caveats, healthcare billing is complex. Simplify this payment process for patients with text messages. You can alert them to new statements, help them get on a payment plan, or share payment reminders via text. Here are some healthcare billing text templates to copy:
Billing invoices
Hi [name]. You have a new statement in your patient portal. Please sign in and review it: [link]
Hello, [name]. A new bill was posted in your patient portal. You can sign in to view it now: [link]
Payment reminders
[Facility name]: Hi [name]. This is a reminder that your scheduled payment is upcoming. You’ll be billed [X] amount on [date].
Hi [name]. This is a reminder to review your new statement and initiate a first payment by [date].
Hi [name]. This is [name] from [facility]. This is a reminder that you’ll owe a [copay amount] copay for your visit on [date].
Payment confirmations
Hi [name]. Thanks for your payment! The details have been posted to your patient portal. Sign in to review your payment.
Hi [name]. [Facility name] received your payment of [amount]. Thank you!

<h2 id="Feedback">Patient feedback and reviews</h2>
Collecting patient feedback – via surveys or online reviews – helps medical providers identify areas to improve. Use a text message to solicit survey responses, request Google reviews, or ask patients to tell their success story. Given its high read and response rates, SMS is effective channel to deliver these feedback requests and request testimonials.
Solicit survey responses
Hi [name]. How likely are you to recommend [doctor office name] to a family member, friend, or colleague? 0 (very unlikely) 5 (very likely)
Hi [name]. Can you take this quick survey about your recent experience at [facility name]? [link]
Request a review
Did [facility name] earn 5-stars? ⭐ Please let us know in an online review: [link]
How was your experience with [doctor name]? Please let us know with a quick review: [link]
Patient testimonials
Hi [name]. We’re inspired by you. This is [name] from [facility]. I’m reaching out to see if you’d be willing to share your story for an online testimonial.
Hi [name]. Would you be willing to share your experience fighting [disease] with us? We’d love to share it to inspire patients like you.

<h2 id="Digitize">Digitize front desk tasks</h2>
Help reduce waiting room time by digitizing some receptionist tasks. Verifying patient information ahead of time saves time at the front desk. Text messages can help your office staff verify information or direct patients to their patient portal to complete forms ahead of time.
Insurance verification
Hi [name]. This is [facility name]. The insurance you have on file is no longer active. Can you please call our office at [phone number] to update your file?
Hi [name]. I wanted to confirm your insurance is still with [insurer name]. Let us know if you need to update it.
Credit card on file
Hello, [name]. Did you know you can add a credit card to your file to speed up check-in? Head to your [facility name] portal now to add one: [link]
Hi [name]. Your credit card ending in [number] is what we have on file. Let us know if you need to update it.
Online check-in
Hello, [name]. Please head to your patient portal to complete our questionnaire before your appointment tomorrow.
Hi [name]. This message is from [facility name]. You may check in early to minimize wait time before your visit: [link].
Hi [name], you have an upcoming video visit at [time] today. Check in now using this link: [link]

<h2 id="Education">Education and health tips</h2>
Use a mass text message to share educational materials with patients. You can use a text to share wellness tips, blogs, or medical practice newsletters. SMS platforms allow providers to send mass texts, which mirror email blasts. Here are a few customizable text templates to help you share these tips.
Share education materials
Hi [name]. I wanted to share this recent article on [topic] with you. It answers all of the FAQs about [diagnosis].
Hi [name]. As we work together on the best treatment plan, here are some materials that can help you learn more about [diagnosis]: [link]
Wellness tips
[Facility name]: Wellness tip of the day. Remember to [tip of the day]. This will help you [positive result].

<h2 id="Staff">Staff communication</h2>
Many practices use SMS to communicate and coordinate with staff. Texting is especially helpful for companies with field workers or those spanning multiple campuses like home health businesses or hospitals. Here are a few employee communication text templates.
Recruit new staff
Hi [name]. We’re running an open house recruitment event at [location] from [time] to [time]. Stop by and see why [facility] would be a great place to work.
Hi [name]. Thanks for your interest in [role] at [facility]. We’d love to schedule an interview. Are you available [date] at [time]?
Shift schedules
Hi team! Here’s the [month] schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi team. The [month] schedule has been posted. You can check it out here: [link]
Hi [name]. This is [name] from headquarters. Can you please confirm you’re at [location] for [patient name]? Thanks!
Fill shift openings
Hey team! We have a shift available on [date] from [time] to [time]. We’re offering a [dollar amount] bonus. Reply to claim.
Hi team. Is anyone available for a shift on [date] from [time] to [time]?
Share updates, memos, or reminders
Hi team! Our [team outing] will be on [date] at [time]. Please RSVP by [date].
Hi team! Please remember to complete [task] by [date] at [time]. Thank you!
Hello, our team meeting will be held on [floor name] at [time]. Please plan accordingly.

<h2 id="Promote">Promote events or new services</h2>
Texting can be used in healthcare to promote a wellness event, launch a new service, or share links to patient stories. Let’s look at a few text message templates for SMS marketing in healthcare.
Event invitations
Hi [name]! [Facility name] is running a vaccination clinic on [date] from [time] to [time]. Stop by to get your flu shot!
Ready to save lives? [Facility name] is running a blood drive on [date] from [time] to [time].
Hi name. You’re invited! [Facility name] is hosting [event] on [date] from [time] to [time]. We hope to see you there!
Promote services or availability
[Facility name]: All locations and providers are accepting new patients. Become a [facility name] patient today! [Link]
Hi [name]. We’re now offering [service type]. Ask your primary care provider today for a referral.
Why trust [facility name]? Read our patient testimonials today and see for yourself: [link]

Partner with the industry’s most secure HIPAA-complaint SMS platform
Texting can significantly improve patient and staff communication. When done properly, healthcare businesses use it because it's convenient, quick, and HIPAA-compliant.
If you’re looking for a HIPAA-compliant SMS platform, choose Textline. Our SMS platform was the first in the industry to be fully HIPPAA-compliant from end to end. We even earned a patent for our healthcare texting consent feature.
Start texting patients and staff with confidence. Request a demo today to see Textline’s HIPAA-compliant solution in action.